Categories of pictures from top to bottom on this page include: Poland FOG baseball pictures (2), Zorros' baseball pictures (7), COMBOCOACH basketball software program images (2), backyard golf course images (3), TRIP Log (student self-monitoring form) images (2)
The Zero Brothers developed the software progam COMBOCOACH in the mid-1980s to help basketball coaches see how their team did when specific individual players or certain groups of players were in the game. The above scans show the front cover of the brochure and the printout of what the coach would see.
Steve layed out the Big Foot Country Club in his back yard. Above is the front nine layout and the official scorecard. See the Video Clips page of this site for a sample of what the course looked like.
Below are images of the "Trip Log" that Steve's YSU students used to monitor their own performance.
Steve batting in the Youngstown "AA" baseball league
Two images of Steve pitching in the Youngstown "AA" baseball league
Many thanks to John Eshleman for the scans below from a late 1970s Zorro baseball team pamphlet. Steve and Jack Auman created the team, which competed in the Youngstown "AA" league.
Steve stretching before Poland FOG 50+ baseball game
Steve batting for the Poland Fog 50+ team